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A meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing information or reaching agreement. Six Steps to Running the Most Effective Meeting Possible 1.      Make your objective clear.   A meeting must have a specific and defined purpose. Standing meetings with vague purposes, are rarely a good use of time. 2.     Consider who is invited.   When you’re calling a meeting, take time to think about who really needs to be there. Example, If you’re trying to solve a problem, invite the people who will be good sources of information for a solution. Choose the right person to attend the meeting. 3.     Stick to your schedule . Make a clear meeting agenda by allocating time for each item. After the meeting, place the meeting agenda on the blackboard or screen so that everyone can see. This keeps people focused. 4.    Take no hostages Setting basic rule

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The Mean of Love

I love chelsea